Diversion Services

How It Works

select your plan

Select a Diversion Service Plan and collect your non-recyclable plastic waste all in one easy to manage and collect system

send it to us

(Instead of the Landfill) Send your waste to the nearest ByFusion Innovation Center. ByFusion transforms your plastic waste into ByBlock, then packs and ships it to its destination


We will track how much plastic we receive a well as destination details. Everything is updated in your Diversion Tracking account with project and impact details

Plastic Is One Of The Most Complex Challenges Of Our Time

Omitting 1.34 Gigatons of CO2a year. Throughout its lifecycle, plastics have a significant carbon footprint - emitting 3.4% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The amount of emissions generated from landfilling and incinerating plastic waste alone, is the equivalent of 35 million vehicles.

What We Take

Pair large text with an image to tell a story, explain a detail about your product, or describe a new promotion.

Traceability + Transparency

Diversion Impact Tracker

Our unique collection-to-destination diversion impact reporting offers a transparent, auditable solution to achieve sustainability goals, comply with regulations and elevate your brand.